Having Siblings

I really hope that you have a brother or sister around. I recently realized what a blessing it is to have a sibling. These are the people with whom hanging around is a lot of fun. I can’t believe I am saying this while still being heavily pregnant with you, I do hope to have a sibling for you soon.

As your Daddy keeps saying, Fatimah and Faris, inshallaah!

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. ~George Santayana

And, an update on your pregnancy, we have completed our 34th week alhamdullilaah. I got my first false contraction (Braxton-Hicks) the day before yesterday and it was horrible. I don’t want to imagine what a real labor contraction is going to be like! 10 more days and we step into the last month, inshallaah.

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